
ASB is dedicated to improving the business education sport management students receive. This process can be accomplished through quality educational programs that train students as future business leaders, regardless of whether they work in the sport industry or not. Education can also be enhanced through quality faculty. Thus, ASB is interested in promoting appropriate means to evaluate business school professors for tenure and promotion purposes. Lastly, ASB understands that the key to strong sport management programs entails industry contacts and affiliation with numerous industry-related groups.


Quality of Education

What does a strong sport management program include? There are numerous answers to this question and none are completely correct.   They key for any sport management program housed in a college of business is to build on fundamental business theories, knowledge, and skills obtained in other business courses and then focused on the sport industry. Thus, to truly understand the strength of a sport management curriculum, students need to be exposed to the following business concepts:

Students should also be exposed to a well-rounded general core including key classes such as math, English, sciences, etc.

ASB does not mandate or dictate what should be included in a sport management curriculum. Every program will have its own focused based on its mission, goals, and objectives. Some programs are more research focused while others are more applied. The key to whatever curriculum exists is to make sure the curriculum helps a program accomplish the program’s and college’s goals and objectives. If a college has a mission for career preparation then the sport management curriculum will need to be career driven and have more applied courses.

  • Accounting
  • Business Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Diversity
  • Economics
  • Ethics
  • Finance
  • Legal & Government Environment
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Sustainability

Tenure and Promotion

Faculties are often judged by three primary criteria when it comes to tenure and promotion. Those criteria are teaching research and service.

Teaching- ASB feels that business school based faculty members should incorporate as much as possible both theory and real world application in the classroom (whether live or online).

Research- ASB feels that a faculty member’s research should reflect the college’s mission, but that faculty should be encouraged to also write in other venues. Thus, a faculty member at a Tier I research University should also explore writing for the industry or a trade publication. In contrast, a teaching based focused school should encourage its faculty to also pursue scholarly publications rather than just pedagogical or case study related journals. Since the Sport Management field is relatively recent, journals and publication in ancillary areas such as management, finance, accounting, etc…. to help faculty and the sport management program fully integrate across the broader college of business.


Journals and their ranking/impact factor

There are a significant number of journals specific to the sport management field.

ASB Categorization of Sports Business and Management Journals

Journal Ranking Level Impact Factor

Acceptance Rate

European Sport Management Quarterly A 3.9 14%
Journal of Sport Management A 3.6
Sport Management Review A 5.2 7%
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing B 0.6 67%
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship B 3.02
Journal of Global Sport Management B 2.2 23%
Journal of Sport and Tourism B 1.78 50%
Journal of Sports Economics B 2.1
Sport Marketing Quarterly B 2.6
International Journal of Sport Finance C 1.1
Journal of Sport and Social Issues C 2.7
Managing Sport and Leisure C 3.6 46%
Sport In Society C 1.57 14%
Sport Management Education Journal C 1.37
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal C 0.4



Sport management students often require more advising and career assistance compared to other colleges of business based programs. ASB appreciates this fact and encourages faculty to be engaged in the industry to help with student placement, finding guest speakers, finding mentors, and providing a means by which students can explore career options. This entails faculty members joining local/national industry associations/groups, networking, serving as consultants, providing advice to non-profits, reaching out to athletic departments (high school and colleges), and a host of similar service activities that will benefit the students and the entire College of Business.

Industry relations

Sport Management is a field with numerous tentacles. Segments of the industry include:

  • Professional sports
  • Collegiate sport
  • High school sports
  • Youth sports
  • Non-profit sports
  • Fitness/recreation
  • Sporting goods
  • Sport manufacturing
  • Sport broadcasting/media
  • Facility management
  • Event management
  • International sports

ASB is dedicated to transcending the divide that sometimes exists between academia and the industry. Through helping to disseminate cutting-edge research in an easy to understand manner, ASB hopes to gain the respect and trust of the industry to help foster stronger relations that in the end will benefit, institutions, faculty, industry, and most importantly current and former students.